Hi again! My name is Dion Lewis. I'm a designer currently studying Communications Design & Social and Political History at Carnegie Mellon University.

Huge fan of stories and their ability to open hearts.
lewisdion26@gmail.com↗. Resume↗. LinkedIn↗.


Technical Design Intern - SGK↗
Graphic Design Intern - CMU SLICE↗
Graphic Designer - CMU Senate↗
Teaching Assistant - CMU Design↗
Design Chair - CMU StuCo↗
Print Designer - Lunar Gala↗


Carnegie Mellon University
Bachelor of Design↗
Minor in Social and Political History↗

Personally I'm a big "lore" guy, a lover of platformers, a shameless consumer of youtube reactions, a niche meme connoisseur, a stan of public institutions, and a long-winded, overly theatrical character.